
A cappella competition Leipzig


From 08.05. to 11.05.24 we were in Leipzig and took part in the 14th a cappella competition Leipzig.


We are grateful and very happy to have won 3rd prize and a special prize for the best unamplified piece.

Mozarteum 2024 ensemble scholarship


We had the pleasure to receive the ensemble scholarship of the Mozarteum University Salzburg 2024, with the help of which we will be able to realize our new concert project within the next year.

We are looking forward to it - stay tuned!!

On 27.01.2024 we were on the radio on BR Klassik!

We are delighted to have been part of the program "Jazz und mehr" on BR Klassik.

Click here for more information

Scholarship Music 2023


We are extremely grateful to have received the 2023 Scholarship for Music from the city of Munich.

Read more 

Bruneck (It) - 09.08.2023


We look back on our first concert as Ensemble Luminosa with great joy. After a few intensive days of rehearsals in Gais (South Tyrol), the time had finally come on August 9th: in the Ursuline Church in Bruneck, we presented a colorful a cappella program entitled "Sommartid" to a full house.

We are already looking forward to many more!